For applications to become a member of an existing Official Aston Villa Lions Club
By submitting an application to become a member of an existing Official Aston Villa Lions Club, applicants agree to the following terms and conditions.
- Applicants acknowledge that whilst Official Aston Villa Lions Clubs (“Lions Clubs”) are recognised by Aston Villa Football Club Limited (“Aston Villa”) and asked to comply with Aston Villa’s Code of Conduct for Lions Clubs, they are independent organisations and are not owned, controlled or administered by or on behalf of Aston Villa. Applications will be forwarded to the Chairperson (or their nominated secretary) of the relevant Lions Club for consideration.
- Applicants acknowledge that the decision to accept or reject any membership application rests with the relevant Lions Club, and not Aston Villa.
- Individual Lions Clubs may apply different terms and conditions of membership of that Lions Club, this may include (without limitation) a registration fee. Aston Villa has no responsibility for determining any terms and conditions or registration fees which apply to members of individual Lions Clubs. For details of any terms and conditions applied by any Lions Club, please contact the relevant Lions Club chairperson (details of which can be found here).
- Aston Villa will not be liable for the actions of any Official Aston Villa Lions Club, or their members, including (without limitation, any decision by a Lions Club to reject or any delay or failure to respond to any application for Lions Club membership).
- It is necessary for Aston Villa to transfer the details contained in any application (including the applicant’s name, address and contact details) to that Lions Club so that they can process the application. For more information about how an applicant’s chosen Lions Club will process an applicant’s information once it has been received from Aston Villa, please contact the relevant Lions Club chairperson (details of which can be found here).
- Aston Villa will process an applicant’s information as may be required (i) to notify them of the result of their application to their chosen Lions Club; and (ii) to keep a record of existing Lions Club members in order to administer any benefits which may be extended to members of Official Lions Clubs (for example, to provide any membership card or season card or venue access on matchdays). Further information on how Aston Villa processes personal data can be found here.
- Applicants acknowledge that any benefits extended to Lions Club members by Aston Villa from time to time are not guaranteed, are subject to availability and may be withdrawn or amend at any time, without notice.
For applications to register a new Official Aston Villa Lions Club
By submitting an application to register a new Official Aston Villa Lions Club, applicants agree to the following terms and conditions
- Submitting an application to register a new Official Aston Villa Lions Club (“Lions Club”) does not guarantee that the application will be accepted. Once an application has been received, a member of Aston Villa staff will contact the applicant to discuss the next steps of the application process.
- The decision whether or not to accept an application will be determined by Aston Villa Football Club Limited (“Aston Villa”) following a consultation with a Lions Club Steering Group made up of a member of Aston Villa staff and Lions Club Chairpersons. Aston Villa’s decision will be final.
- Applicants acknowledge that for any successful application, the Lions Club Chairperson will need to agree to the Club’s Code of Conduct for Lions Clubs, as amended from time to time. The latest version can be found here.
- Aston Villa reserve the right to withdraw official recognition of any Lions Club whether in accordance with the Code of Conduct, or where Aston Villa, acting reasonably, consider it necessary to do so (whether with or without notice).
- Details submitted as part of an application (whether via this website or otherwise) will be shared with the Steering Group for the purposes of processing the application. Where an application is successful, details submitted will be used by Aston Villa for the purposes of administering official recognition and providing any benefits extended by Aston Villa to Lions Clubs and / or their members. Further information on how Aston Villa’s process personal data can be found here.
- Any benefits extended to Lions Club members by Aston Villa from time to time are not guaranteed, are subject to availability and may be withdrawn or amended at any time, without notice.
Last updated: 06 March 2020