To make this the most positive experience for you and others, please prepare for the event at Villa Park by reading this useful guide prior to travel and arrival.
General Wellbeing
Should you suffer from a medical condition which requires you to carry medication and/or equipment with you in the event of an emergency, such as a diabetic who many require to carry insulin and needles, we will of course allow these items into the stadium, however we require the following actions / documentation to support your entry to the venue.
Contact your doctor or health care professional to ensure you are fit to attend the event at Villa Park Stadium. This is strongly advised, Villa Park cannot provide medical advice to guests prior to an event.
Please ensure your doctor or health care professional provides you with written confirmation to confirm your medical condition and the medication and/or equipment you require to bring to the stadium for your welfare in the event of a medical emergency. Please ensure you bring this letter with you as our stewarding teams will require sight of this letter to allow you entry to the stadium.
Please note, should the above process not be followed you may not be granted access to the venue due to strict safety regulations regarding prohibited and restricted items being allowed into the venue for safety purposes. Your ticket will not be refunded as a result.
Guests aged under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult over the age of 18.
Children under the age of 2 will not be permitted access into the stadium.
Specifically for concerts, the age restrictions are as below, however please check the individual concert page as these can vary:
- No under 2’s
- No under 14’s on pitch standing.
- All under 16’s must be accompanied by an adult aged 18 and over.
Travel Planning
- Plan your journey to and from the Stadium in advance.
- Use a transport planner app for up-to-the-minute information.
- Travel with those with whom you are attending, if possible. Make sure that everyone is accounted for and safe before you leave the Stadium.
- Only use minicabs that you have booked through a reputable company.
- If you use taxis, share your live location with friends until you arrive safely home, and call 999 if you have concerns about your safety in the cab.
- Know your taxi pick up and drop off points.
Taxi waiting zone is on Witton Lane next to Aston Parish Church just prior to Villa Park Stadium
Communicate Your Plans
- Ensure that someone knows about your plans to attend the concert and keep them updated regarding your whereabouts and travel plans.
- Consider sharing your live location with them for the duration of the event and your journey home.
- This is an outdoor event, so dress and prepare for the weather.
- Plan your outerwear for your journey home.
- If you are wearing heels, consider bringing alternative footwear in your bag for the journey home, being mindful of the Stadium’s bag policy.
- Always keep your phone on your person, being mindful of the Stadium’s bag policy.
- Put your phone on ‘vibrate’ so that you can feel it as you may not hear it.
- Make sure your phone is fully charged and bring a charging cable and portable charger, if possible. There are charging points in the Stadium if needed. Ask a Welfare Officer or Steward for support.
Drinking & Intoxication
- Be mindful of your consumption of alcohol; becoming intoxicated may result in you missing the event and could put you at risk.
- Do not leave your drinks unsupervised.
- Challenge 25 is in use at this event, anyone who appears under 25 will be asked for identification to purchase alcohol.
- Underage drinking is not permitted, and it is a criminal offence to provide alcohol to a minor (under 18) within the stadium.
Avoid Getting Separated
- look/take note of locations of the stewards and Welfare Officers in high Viz vests at the event.
- Be confident in the use of sending live locations pins via WhatsApp location services or What3words
- Always carry your phone and ensure it is charged before leaving for the concert.
- Take note of your seat number/location so that you can find your way back. Even take a photo of your seat, row and block.
- Keep the numbers of those you are with, both in your phone and in writing.
- If you need help finding your companions, speak to a steward or Welfare Officer in a high viz jackets.
- Know the location of the Welfare Tent – Holte Car Park – should you need any support.
- If attending with a minor, visit the Welfare Tent prior to the event to obtain an ORANGE wristband to note contact details for parent/guardian in the unlikely event of separation.
- Take a picture of your group/child in case of separation for identification purposes in the unlikely event of separation.

Help at the Stadium and Reporting Procedures
Stewards are available to help if you need any assistance – just ask.
If you require medical assistance, welfare, or safeguarding support, or if you believe that a crime is potentially underway, notify your nearest steward.
Please TEXT 60060 to report any antisocial behaviours, as well as getting the attention of a steward.
This enables the Stadium Safety Officer to view the incident in real time via the stadium's extensive cameras, respond as soon as possible, and stop the behaviours. As well as record evidence and pursue matters via Stadium sanctions and the criminal justice system, where possible.
When reporting an incident please:
- Note your location (e.g., Block / Row / Seat)
- Describe the individual(s) of concern where relevant.
- Note the nature of the concerns – eg: foul language or behaviour, verbal, physical or sexual abuse, discrimination (including but not limited to racism, misogyny, homophobia/transphobia, Islamophobia, antisemitism, etc.), physical or sexual misconduct, harassment, and assaults, safeguarding and welfare concerns (children/adults at risk), extremism, smoking, vaping, intoxication, and drug use.