Digital Account
Your club accounts connected with one login

How to Link your Ticketing Account to your Digital Account
As part of your Digital Account, you are now able to log into the ticketing website with a single set of login details. These login details can be used across the different Aston Villa platforms to watch videos on VillaTV, buy tickets & manage your Pride Rewards.
The first time you log in to the ticketing site with your Digital Account, you will need to link your ticketing account.
Step By Step Guide
Step 1 - Visit Site and Click Account Icon
Head to and click the account icon in the top right hand corner.
Step 2 - Login to your Digital Account
This will take you through to the Digital Account login page. If you have a Digital Account, enter your login details and log in.
If you don't have a Digital Account you will need to create one:
Step 3 - Link Your Fan ID
As this is first time you have logged into the ticketing site with your Digital Account, you will need to link your ticketing account. To do so, you need to enter your Fan ID.
Your Fan ID can be found on the following:
- Your Season Ticket
- Any match tickets you have purchased
- Ticketing confirmation emails
If you are unsure of your Fan ID please contact the Ticket Office either via or by calling 0333 323 1874
If you don't have a Fan ID or have never purchased a ticket through the ticketing website, you will need to click "Create Fan ID".
Please do not create a new Fan ID if you have ever purchased tickets before.
Any previous booking history will not be carried across if you create a new fan ID, meaning you may miss out on opportunities such as applying for cup final tickets in future. If you are not sure of your Fan ID, please contact the Ticket Office using the details above.
Step 4 - Account Page
When you successfully link your Fan ID to your Digital Account, you will be sent back to the Ticketing website.
On desktop & larger screens, the icon in the top right will display along with your name. On mobile, the account icon will show instead. Tap this icon and you will be able to access your ticketing account details.
Here you will be able to see all of your ticketing information, friends & family connections, purchase history and all other information that was available with your old log in.
If you need to update any of your details, click the edit button which will take you to your Digital Account. You can then update your details, email, password and marketing preferences.
Please follow the steps below to link your Ticketing Account to your Digital Account.
Contact Us
If You are having issues linking your ticketing account to your Digital Account please get in contact.