By Aston Villa FC

We’re pleased to announce that the club is resuming Villa Park Stadium Tours from Wednesday 19 August.


Our award-winning tours are returning on Wednesdays at 10:00, 11:00, 12:00 & 13:00 and Saturdays at the same times. Tickets for these tours are on sale now here.


Further dates and timings will be announced shortly, all of which are subject to change.


Book Your Tour Now!


Stadium Tour FAQs

Tours will last for around 70 minutes (reduced time is only due to the having less people on each tour).

Tours will be limited to groups of nine and this number cannot be exceeded.

Facemasks will be mandatory and must be used by all tour attendees. No facemask, no tour.

Sales will cease at 9pm the evening before the tour. These are all ticket events and you should not turn up at Villa Park without a ticket.

Unfortunately, tours are not suitable for wheelchair users due to the pre-planned route and the fact that we cannot use evac chairs at present in the event of an emergency as this would violate the social distancing rules.

Parents should ensure that all children remain in close proximity at all times and that surfaces are not touched unnecessarily.

A one-way system is in operation and we have a cleaning team cleaning areas after every tour. Sanitising stations will be found frequently and must be used.

Tours will be eticket only.

Tours are sold on a non-refundable basis.

Dressing rooms and tunnel/pitchside access will be available but as always some areas may be restricted without prior notice.

Tour prices remain unchanged from last season.