By Aston Villa FC

The Holte End abseil 2021 raises over £9,000 for the Aston Villa Foundation's Dementia Café.

Dozens of Villa fans took part in this year's Holte End abseil, with participants abseiling down from the top of the Holte End into the stands. The abseil, which was delivered with help from climbing and abseiling experts from Red Point Birmingham, was cancelled in 2020 due to the pandemic so participants were eager to get back into the stadium and get involved.

Fundraising and Events Co-ordinator Paisley Hipkiss said: "We were delighted to be able to host our first physical fundraising event since before the pandemic.

"Everyone who took part seemed to have a great time whilst raising money for an important cause and we would like to thank Red Point Birmingham for helping to make the event run so smoothly."

All of the proceeds raised from this year's abseil will go to our Dementia Café, which supports Villa fans and members of the wider community who are livinign with Dementia through reminiscence sessions and gentle sports based activities.

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